This Apple iPad 3 comes in Black. It has a 9.7-inch display with 1536 x 2048 pixel resolution (~264 pixels per inch). Powered by Apple A5X chipset, Dual-Core processor at a speed of 1.0GHz, and PowerVR SGX543MP4. Storage capacity of 16GB with 1GB of RAM for memory. The main camera is 5.0 megapixels. This device is also Wi-Fi Only. This device has been tested to be in great working condition. It will show signs of use and cosmetic blemishes which may include some scratches/dings, all of which do not affect the usability of this device.
Manufacturer Part Number: MC705LL/A
Operating System: Apple iOS
Assembled Product Weight: 1.44 lbs
Manufacturer: Apple
Color: Black
- Model: Apple iPad (3rd Generation)
- Operating System: iOS
- Connectivity: Bluetooth
- Series: Apple iPad
- Internet Connectivity: Wi-Fi
- Type: iPad
- Features: Bluetooth, Built-In Front Camera
- Storage Capacity: 16 GB
- Brand: Apple
- Screen Size: 9.7 in